My bio
Conductor, singer (tenor) and composer born in Riga, Latvia.
In 2019, Max Roomsky has received Master grade in programme Voice and pedagogy in Royal Danish Music academy, vocal coach Marianne Rørholm. In 2018, he has studied in Erasmus+ exchange in Kunstuniversität Graz under guidance of professor Antonius Sol. From 2020 to 2022, he has studied in the program Master Konzertgesang in Kunstuniversität Graz with professors Robert Heimann and Holger Falk.
In 2014, Max Roomsky has received bachelor grade in programme Voice and pedagogy in Latvian Music academy.
Max Roomsky has also studied symphony and choral conducting as supplementary subjects during his studies in Latvian Music academy.
Since 2019, Max Roomsky is conductor in chamber choir Burtnieks. From 2014 to 2017, Max Roomsky has been assistant conductor in chamber choir Austrums. Since 2017, he is functionary and representative of the project Europa Chorakademie in Latvia.
Since 2001, Max Roomsky has taken part in numerous chamber, choir and opera music concerts held in concert halls of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Denmark, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Slovenia, Bulgaria.
Max Roomsky has a splendid choral biography. From 2011 to 2017, he has been full-time member of Choir of Latvian National Opera, has participated in guest performances in Estonia, Macau, Oman, Russia. He has taken part in projects as an extra choir singer in all professional choirs of Latvia: State choir Latvija, Latvian radio choir and chamber choir Ave sol.
From 2006 to 2010 – member of a remarkable Latvian youth choir Kamēr, participant of World choir symposium 2008 in Denmark, chamber music festivals Boswil 2009, 2010(Switzerland), Lockenhaus 2010(Austria), performances with the programmes World Sun Songs, Madrigals of Love held in Spain, Germany, Russia, Slovenia.
Another part of Max Roomsky musical life is Russian orthodox music. Since 2012 he leads the Riga Orthodox Archangel Michael church choir in Riga.
Max Roomsky mainly composes choral music, as well as piano music. In 2018, he received a special Latvian Authors' Union scholarship. In 2021 and 2018, Max Roomsky's compositions have received 2nd, 3rd place and an encouragement diploma in choir composers' competition "Choral laboratory. 21st century" in St.Petersburg (Russia).
Since 2007, Max Roomsky a cappella compositions have been performed by different choirs in Latvia and Russia, as well as by the best Latvian female vocal group Anima Solla.
Max Roomsky produces concert programs on ancient Orthodox chants, early music, as well as Latvian music.
Yulianna Bawarska, Aina Bajāre, Ansis Sauka, Kārlis Saržants, Marianne Rørholm, Antonius Sol, Holger Falk
Mārtiņš Ozoliņš, Māris Sirmais
Andrejs Selickis, Selga Mence, Ārijs Šķepasts
Solvita Vanaga
Anda Apine
Andra Visendorfa
Andžejs Rancēvičs
Russian Orthodox music
German Ryabtsev, Ioann Shenrock, Natalija Mudraja
Axel Everaert, Malcolm Martineau, Riccardo Mascia, Neville Dove, Friedrich Gürtler, Roger Vignoles, Eva Mei, Robert Heimann, Guntars Ruņģis, Viesturs Jansons
Vladimir Minin, Michael Schønwandt, Viesturs Gailis, Aleksandrs Brandavs, Aigars Meri, Oksana Čerkasova, Johannes Kern, Joshard Daus