Awards and scholarships
2024 II Vocal and ensemble art international competition DE Music Award
2nd category prize - vocal ensemble category (with Un poco barocco)
Choral music composers' contest Young classics, Vologda, Russia
2nd prize - mixed choir category
2023 Author scholarship of Latvian Authors' Union AKKA/LAA, Latvia
2021 Choral music composers' contest Choral laboratory. 21st century, St.Petersburg, Russia
2nd prize - sacred music category, 3rd prize - folklore-style music category
2020 Status of creative person, granted by Latvian Council of Creative Unions
2019 Scholarship of bishof Johann Weber foundation, Austria
2018 Choral music composers' contest Choral laboratory. 21st century, St.Petersburg, Russia
3rd prize - sacred music category, encouragement diploma - music for childrens' choir
2018 Author scholarship of Latvian Authors' Union AKKA/LAA, Latvia
2017 The Big Musical Award, Latvia
winner of the nomination Outstanding performance throughout the season,
as a singer of Latvian national opera choir
winner of the nomination Production of the year
as a member of Latvian National opera production Faust by Charles Gounod
2013 Overall Latvian vocal group contest, Latvia
3rd prize as a singer of Latvian early music group Canto
2011 The XII Latvian student theatre days award, Latvia
winner as a member of Latvian Music academy opera company Figaro
winner of the nomination Outstanding actors together with Gundega Ādamsone
2011 Vocal contest Uzlecošās zvaigznes, Latvia
3rd prize
2010 Riga choir soloist contest Diždžokerspēle
2009 Choral contest in Tallinn, Estonia
2nd prize as a singer of Latvian choir Sonore
2009 Russian orthodox music choral contest in Hajnówka, Poland
1st prize as a singer of Latvian choir Accolada
2008 Overall Latvian choir contest, Latvia
winner as a singer of Latvian choir Kamēr...
2007 Language school International House Riga-Satva, Latvia
winner of the title Student of the year
2007 Successful project grant application to the Secretariat of the Minister of integration affairs for the choir Blagovest to record a CD of Russian orthodox music, Latvia
2007 Successful project grant application to Riga Council to stage Christmas concert of choir Accolada in concert hall Ave Sol, Latvia
2007 Scholarship of Kristaps Morbergs foundation, Latvia
received as a student of Latvian University Law faculty
2006 European championship in intellectual game What? Where? When?, Belarus
9th place as the leader of the Latvian school team 403 forbidden
Latvian championship in intellectual game What? Where? When?, Latvia
1st place as the leader of the Latvian school team 403 forbidden
Riga championship in intellectual game What? Where? When?, Latvia
1st place as the leader of the Latvian school team 403 forbidden

Конкурс "Хоровая лаборатория. XXI век"
2021, 2024

DE Music Award 2024